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UK NARIC Contract

Following the recent public re-tender process of the UK NARIC service, we are pleased to inform our members that ECCTIS will operate the service on behalf of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for a further four years (2014-17 inclusive).

This service also incorporates UK National Contact Point for Professional Qualifications – which ECCTIS has been managing since its inception in 2008 – and the ECVET Centre for England.

“We are very pleased to be chosen as the preferred supplier in an open and competitive market.” said Dr Cloud Bai-Yun, Managing Director of ECCTIS and Head of UK NARIC “It has been a privilege to be able to develop NARIC services over the years and provide a meaningful service to multiple clients. Going forward, the winning of the new contract will enable the organisation to maintain and enhance our consistently high standards of customer satisfaction in the years to come."

“Recognition is no longer a matter of building on academic awards towards further studies; it is much wider and more significant than that.  In this increasingly fast changing and mobile world, recognition is providing the centrepiece, linking qualifications, work and managed migration.” commented Dr Bai-Yun.

We will also be communicating our plans for the future with our member organisations in the coming months ensuring a smooth transition in the lead up to the new contract term effective from 1 January 2014. 

22/08/2013 12:43:00